martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011

If I could wish..

I wish I could just say "fuck you" and send you to Hell, but I know I can't. I know it's going to hurt me more than a cold bullet.
May be I'm stupid like everybody else say but I rather to be a fool with you than withou you.
You would never really know how I feel about you, how much I care, how much I think of you, how much I love you and how much it hurt me when I realize you didn't felt the same way about me.

It hurt when I think of you, it hurt when I don't
It hurt when I love you, it hurt when you don't
It hurt when I talk about you, it hurt when others do
It hurt when I cry, it hurt knowing you don't
It hurt when I try to forget you, it hurt when I relize I can't
It hurt when you are here and it hurt when you are gone.

Tell me if you still love me like you did before 'cuz if you don't, I know it's going to hurt me badly but I can't be with someone who doesn't love me. I'd have cry so manu times I don't know if I could resist another more.

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