miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013

Hold me, kiss me and never let me go

He: I didn't try to say anything my love.
She: Aaaw "My love". I love it when you talk to me like that.
He: Before I was like that all the time.
She: It made me feel special.
He: You know you are special. Only now, I'm not cute but that doesn't mean I do not love you.
She: Why aren't you cte anymore? Now how are you gonna show me that you love me...That used to be the way.
He: If you were my girl, it would be different.
She: I know it would be different, better and happier.
He: You are right

She just look down while her eyes filled with tears...She trie to speak, at fist she couldn't even make a sound, so she trie once more time.

She: Is it ever gonna be our moment?
He: What kind of moment? Our moment of what?
She: Of..Of been together.
He: We both are with someone right now.
She: I know... I'm ...I know. That's why I was wonder.
He: I think it would be wrong to think of us right now. But believe me, I can imagine a future with you.
She: I can imagine it too. I want us to have a future together.
He: We are going to have our moment, we are going to be together.
She: Can you promises?

He look her in the eyes to her know he was serious but then he new that will be a very hard promises to fulfill so he decide to look a way out.

He: If i don't come back, will you go to me?

She smile, she want to kiss him so bad her lips got warm.

She: I will chase you.
He: So I swear you that we will be together.
She: I swear it too.

He smile too, his eyes sparkle from the tears he was holding in.

He: Thanks, for all, for everything.
She: You don't have to thank me. Its like if i thanked you for letting me love you.
He: I just feel like I have to do it. Don't know why.
She: If you feel like it, do it, but know that everything I do is because I feel like it too, maybe because I love you.
He: And maybe I feel it because I love you more. I think I win this time.

A tear run down her face, with her emotion mix up between happiness and sadness.

She: I'm the one who is crying so I sould win.

He couldn't believe he didn't notices, how could he been so stupid.

He: Are you crying? For real?
She: No, that is a big lie...but yes.
He: Why? Please don't cry!
She: I don't know, I can really stop or control it...but i just a littler.
He: Come on! Don't cry my love. I'm happy right now for all the things you said.
She: You are? That is good, it helps but if you could hold me, kiss me and never let me go it will be better.
He: Your wish are my commands my true love.